Readback Takes Aim to Disrupt Court Reporting Market with AI-Powered Active Reporting and One-Day Certified Transcripts

An innovative, new deposition experience that helps litigators deliver tangible differences for their clients

SPRINGFIELD, MA – (March 7, 2022) – Readback, the industry’s first AI-assisted court reporting technology platform with Active Reporting capabilities, announces the company is taking aim to disrupt the court reporting market by providing better client outcomes and a better user experience at a fraction of the time and cost of stenography. Readback is powered by a proprietary Multi-Intelligence Service Team (MIST)–a combination of human transcriptionists and AI–to deliver a high-quality transcript for attorneys to view and use in near time during proceedings to improve client outcomes as well as a certified copy of the transcript within 1 business day.  

Courts and courtrooms are evolving—but stenography is not.  While stenography has been the unchanged standard for court reporting for over a century, the pandemic has highlighted several shortcomings of stenography as the go-forward court reporting technology including:  staffing, client service, client costs and the pace of justice.  The widely known shortage of stenographers, the well-documented stenographer shortage forecasted to worsen, the array of obscure add-on fees that quickly stack up to exacerbate, high costs, combine for a detrimental service experience that limits clients’ access to and the pace of justice.  

Digital recording as an alternative to stenography has proven less secure and reliable, leaving litigators who seek the industry’s most accurate and secure results for their clients with little elsewhere to turn than the unchanged standard, stenography.  Together, both stenography and digital reporting fail either on time, cost or accuracy, and neither provide enriched experiences for litigators that can drive better outcomes and services for clients.  

Readback is changing the paradigm.  Assisted by AI, Readback delivers better client outcomes and a better user experience at a fraction of the time and cost of stenography, while delivering the industry’s most accurate and secure transcripts.  On top of this, Readback offers an unprecedented Active Reporting feature.  Active Reporting provides litigators rough texts in seconds during proceedings, enabling live annotation and collaboration with co-counsel.  In a market where client service is a make-or-break differentiator, Active Reporting is already proven to tangibly improve client outcomes.  

Dean Whalen, Chief Legal Officer, Readback, comments: “This is a thrilling time to be in legal tech and even more so to provide the legal industry with a game-changing solution to a real problem that affects litigators and their clients directly.  Attorneys are feeling the pain of increasing delays and costs for their depositions, and these delays and costs are not going away unless there is change.  Readback is that change.  And with change is the promise of a better experience, better service, and better outcomes.  That’s what we’re in it for—and it’s profoundly exciting.”

Readback provides a trained specialist, the Guardian, to support the entire proceeding to ensure a secure and seamless experience as well as provide exhibit and technical assistance.  Readback guarantees verbatim accuracy and makes audio recordings available to all parties to ensure the accuracy of transcripts produced. 

To learn more about Readback, go here:

About Readback

Readback is the industry’s first AI-assisted deposition court reporting platform with Active Reporting capabilities. Readback is part of InfraWare, providers of machine and technology-assisted content production in highly regulated environments where repetitive documentation is important but burdensome via a cloud-based SaaS platform and industry-specific service providers to enable physicians, attorneys, and other highly compensated professionals deliver their most amazing performance. To learn more about Readback, go here.  Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter

Media Contact:
Patricia Ann Nagy
Director, Proxy PR
270 West 11th Street 4C
New York, NY 10014
