Massachusetts adopts “Noticer’s Choice” for civil depositions (What this means for civil practice in the Commonwealth)17th February 2025byJamal Lacy, Juris Doctor
Proposals and Public Comment: California Judge rejects “wait and see” approach to court reporter shortage, expands electronic recordings31st October 2024byJamal Lacy, Juris Doctor
The California Court Reporter Shortage: A Growing Constitutional Crisis2nd October 2024byReadback Team
Proposals and Public Comment: How Wyoming’s New Rule Adds Structure and Protocol to Remote Depositions4th September 2024byJamal Lacy, Juris Doctor
Proposals and Public Comment: Readback’s Policy Review for July 20241st July 2024byJamal Lacy, Juris Doctor
Proposals and Public Comment: Readback’s Policy Review for April 202424th April 2024byJamal Lacy, Juris Doctor