Readback FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

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Readback FAQ – The Basics

Q: What is Readback? 

A: Readback, the first service to provide Active Reporting, is court reporting reimagined. It’s a more efficient and cost-effective way to capture and transcribe depositions, using a combination of human transcriptionists and patented state-of-the-art technology. Per page and add-on fees are replaced with low, simple, flat rates. It is fully scalable making it ideal for large firms and those with high case volumes.

Q: What is Active Reporting?

A: Active Reporting, created by InfraWare with the announcement of their Readback service, is a more efficient and cost-effective way to capture and transcribe depositions. By replacing the steno machine and a single steno operator with a Guardian to support the entire proceeding and a Multi-Intelligence Service Team (MIST) of human transcribers assisted by AI, Active Reporting means that a live feed of the rough text of the transcript is available in near-time, during the proceeding, to assist litigators with unlimited self-readbacks and enable live collaboration. The certified transcript is available in just one day, with no expedite fees.  Active Reporting offers premium services without the premium pricing, making it ideal for complex and high-stakes litigation and large firms with high case volumes.

Q: What is near-time?

A: Near-time is a slight delay from real time, just seconds.

Q: What is the MIST?

A: The Multi-Intelligence Service Team (MIST) is a group of transcriptionists working in the background, enabled by patented AI technology, to produce a rough transcript in near-time as a proceeding moves forward.

Q: What is a Readback Guardian? 

A: The Guardian is in charge of guarding the record for accuracy and keeping the proceeding running smoothly. This can include technical assistance, exhibit handling, and interrupting to ensure the audio of the testimony is clear for the record.

Q: How does this work without a stenographic court reporter?

A: Most states allow for the use of alternative technology, as long as there is notice and/or stipulation by parties.  We can provide suggested language to include in your notice for the use of Active Reporting and Readback. This allows other counsel to be aware of the alternative method of capture and be in agreement prior to the proceeding.

Q: What will happen to steno operators?

A: Good things. Yes, really! There is a shortage of stenographers. Ten times more retire each year than enter the field, even as the number of proceedings grows, and Active Reporting will take many years to become pervasive. In other words, there will be plenty of work for those who want to finish their careers pounding the keys. But, more importantly, Active Reporting will provide a safe haven for steno operators who want to continue their careers without continuing to abuse their bodies. Repetitive stress injuries from hands to shoulders are common among steno operators, and that’s shameful. People shouldn’t have to injure their bodies to perform a job. The Guardian and editor roles involved in Readback emphasize cognitive skills over motor skills.

Q: How does Readback help solve the shortage of reporters?

A: In many ways. The primary reason the industry is slow to respond with more reporters when demand is high is that it takes years to learn the steno machine, and there is a high (nearly 90%) failure rate. With the steno machine out of the picture, more people are qualified to perform the service. In addition, there is a strong motivation for information workers to work from home post-pandemic so these jobs are attractive.

Readback FAQ – How it Works

Q: How is it possible?

A: We invert the relation of people to time. Instead of one person spreading the work of the proceeding over the coming weeks, we place several people on the proceeding at one time. It isn’t more work; we just fully subscribe people to do the work when it is actually helpful.

Q: Is it real-time?

A: Using the Readback viewer, attorneys will be able to see the rough copy of the transcript in “near-time.”  This means that the rough text will appear in the Readback viewer in less than one minute. 

Q: Do you use a court reporter?  

A: No. Readback uses a Guardian to support the entire proceeding and a Multi-Intelligence Service Team (MIST) of many online transcribers assisted with AI to capture a high-quality transcript within seconds and deliver a certified copy of the transcript within one business day.

Q: Am I still getting a certified transcript?

A: Yes, if requested you will receive a certified transcript signed by the Readback Guardian.

Q: How do you handle the sworn oath?

A: The oaths will be administered remotely, consistent with the rules of the jurisdiction in which the witness is located or by the method stipulated to by the parties.

Q: How are exhibits handled? 

A: Our trained Guardians are able to assist with marking and sharing exhibits on screen for attorneys during the virtual proceeding. We ask that all exhibits be uploaded to ensure the Guardian has time to prepare them prior to the proceeding. These will not be shared with anyone outside of our team prior to the proceeding. Attorneys may also forward exhibits to any other counsel or deponents prior to the proceeding if they wish. 

Q: In what ways is Active Reporting similar to traditional stenographic reporting?

A: Attorneys still get a live person in the deposition to protect integrity and accuracy of the record, a notary to swear in the witness, and a certified, accurate transcript following the deposition.

Q: In what ways is Active Reporting different from traditional stenographic reporting?

A: AI enables Readback’s Multi-Intelligence Service Team (MIST) to produce near-time text for participants to view during the proceedings and produce the certified transcript in one business day. For a low, flat rate, attorneys enjoy access to the rough transcript during the proceeding, in-proceeding annotation and collaboration with co-counsel, access to deposition audio recordings, exhibit and technical assistance by professional Guardians, easy online scheduling and preparation for each proceeding, the rough transcript available in one hour, and access to the Readback Resource Library.

Q: If I need to speak with my client privately during the session, will this be possible? 

A: Yes. Attorneys should let other participants and the Guardian know if they need to go off the record to speak with a client privately. If you are not in the same location as your client, you can mute your microphones in the meeting and communicate by phone.

Q: Can witnesses join by phone with no video?

A: No, witnesses need to be present by video. A notary will need to see and hear witnesses as they are sworn in, as well as view their ID through the camera. The taking attorney should also be connected using video, if possible. Other participants can join by phone or using devices without a camera. 

Q: Is AI really accurate enough to capture verbatim transcripts for something as important as legal testimony under oath?

A: Of course not, and that’s not what Active Reporting is. With steno, an operator works feverishly to capture an accurate rough copy for later editing. With Active Reporting, the MIST captures a similar accuracy. The key difference is that human editors are available to correct and refine the transcript at the time of the proceeding.

Q: How do I register and schedule a proceeding? 

A: Register for free with no obligation here. Once registered, you will receive information on how to schedule on our app site. Email us at or call 888-256-7776 if you have any questions.

Readback FAQ – Support

Q: Can this work for me and my clients if we are not tech savvy? 

A: Absolutely! In fact, we offer an overview of what to expect, the opportunity for any of the parties to have a quick test before the event, and also provide Guardian support for your Readback experience. 

Q: Is it required to use Zoom for the proceeding?

A: No, Readback works with multiple meeting platforms.

Q: What happens if a party gets disconnected during the session?

A: In the unlikely event that a party gets disconnected, the party will simply rejoin the meeting using the secure meeting ID and password. The meeting host will admit the party back into the meeting. If a party is disconnected due to an unstable internet connection, we recommend they join by phone by using the “Dial by your location” option in the invitation.

Q: What if I am having technical issues and need to reschedule the deposition? 

A: Depositions can always be rescheduled, if necessary. Cancellations after 5:00 PM the day before a deposition and same-day cancellations will be charged an administrative fee. However, if there is a technical issue on our end, any fees will be waived.

Q: How can I prepare for the session? 

A: You can follow these six steps to prepare for your remote session:

  1. Test your audio and video on the device you will be using before the deposition begins. 
  2. Have a quiet space set up to avoid any distractions or interruptions. 
  3. Attorneys should send any exhibits to our team by emailing prior to the proceeding. 
  4. Deponents should have a photo ID ready to present to the notary.
  5. Test your internet connection to ensure there are no interruptions in the audio.

Q: I don’t like sharing exhibits from my computer. How do exhibits work?

A: The Guardian isn’t burdened with pounding the keys of a steno machine, so they are free to share exhibits on your behalf as they monitor the transcript and correct as needed.

Readback FAQ – Compliance

Q: Is it legal? 

A: Yes, with restrictions and stipulations.

Q: Is the technology utilized by Readback secure? 

A: Security measures have been taken to ensure sessions are secure. Only those who are given the meeting ID and password can access the session. Also, upon entry, participants will be in a “waiting room” until the host (the Guardian) allows them to enter the meeting.

Readback FAQ – Our Company

Q: Is Readback a startup?

A: No. While the service is revolutionary and may have many of the hallmarks of a startup, our court reporting division has been in business for decades and has reported on over 60,000 depositions. Our technology is patented and has been used in healthcare documentation for over a decade. We have had over a hundred employees for many years, and the company is financially sound. You can read more about our company and the invention of Readback here.
